What is the box behind the altar called?

The box behind the altar in a Catholic Church is called the tabernacle. It is a sacred container made of metal or wood, usually ornately decorated, which holds the Blessed Sacrament, the consecrated bread and wine used during the Eucharistic celebration. The tabernacle is usually located in a prominent place behind the altar and is usually constructed so that it can be locked for security reasons. The tabernacle is an important symbol of the Cath Read more...

What are altar girls called?

Altar girls are called the same as altar boys: "altar servers". The term "altar server" is a gender-neutral term that can be used to refer to both boys and girls who assist the priest during liturgical celebrations. Recently, many parishes have opened up the role of altar server to girls as well as boys, recognizing the importance of including both genders in the liturgical life of the Church. As a result, the term "altar server" is now commonly Read more...

Do altar servers wear albs?

Yes, altar servers often wear an alb during liturgical services. An alb is a long white robe worn over regular clothing, symbolizing the purity and innocence of the person wearing it. It is also a traditional liturgical garment worn by clergy and other ministers during worship. Read more...

Can anyone be an altar server?

In general, anyone who has received their First Holy Communion and meets the specific requirements of their local parish can become an altar server in the Catholic Church. However, some parishes may have additional guidelines or requirements for altar servers, such as age restrictions or specific training programmes. It is best to check with your local parish to find out their specific requirements and guidelines for becoming an altar server. In Read more...

Is A Monsignor higher than a bishop?

No, a Monsignor is not higher than a bishop. A bishop is a higher rank in the Catholic Church hierarchy than a Monsignor. A bishop is responsible for overseeing a diocese, which is a geographical region within the Church, while a Monsignor is a title of honor given to a priest who has made significant contributions to the Church or who holds a high office within the Vatican. Monsignors are addressed as "Monsignor" as a title of respect, while bis Read more...
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